Friday, February 15, 2008

Here we go again...

Another school shooting. First off, my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families.

The fact here remains...yet another shooting in a place where carrying guns is illegal. In this case of course, the place is not just the school, but the entire state of Illinois. So we see how well Illinois' gun-free laws are working. The gunman encountered NO resistance, because no law-abiding student or faculty member on sight had matching fire power with which to resist.

Leaders at the school said the events that happened at Virginia Tech a year ago had shaken many but also led to a focus on security and the possibility of such an incident. But has there been any real plan of action taken? Is there a formal SOP in place now? Well if there was it obviously didn't work.

I fear that with events like this, we will start seeing a trend and an increase in gun-fearing individuals. Without the education to the contrary it's no wonder they grow up to be anti-gun.

Now I'm not saying that CCW would have prevented this. It "might" give an opportunity to stop them short of their end though. Its only one tool in the whole solution, if it can be solved at all. Will this get people to call, email, or even mail your legislators to change the laws to allow carry on campus? Again, I'm not sure what the answer is. It's sad, really just sad.

The concealed weapon is only for deployment in .01% of cases when good demeanor and good composure do not deter the latent viciousness of man.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I wish I could float that good...

Wow, amazing. Makes me want to throw my kids in the deep end of the pool and see what they can do... just kidding.